What lies before us and what lies behind us, are but small matters compared to what lies within us.
And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.

Coaching, the way I do it, is all about YOU: where are you at? where are you coming from? what’s been your path? what have you tried already, and what of that worked for you, what didn’t?

It’s about where you want to be at, what goal you want to claim, what aim you want to reach. And why.
What are your motivations to get there? What’s moving you towards it? or maybe: what are you moving away from? It’s also about the hidden reasons why you, so far, couldn’t get there, no matter what you tried. And to overcome that.
It is about what you want to have (back) in your life. What it is, that is missing and how to get it in a way, that’s individually tailored to your needs and structure.

It can be about things on the outside, people in your life, circumstances, your career, goals, wishes, dreams. Or things on the inside: behavioral patterns, belief systems, emotional trauma or the longing to get in touch with your core – your essence.

Not easy, but great fun.

Is this process going to be easy? No. Is it going to be fun? Definitely! How does that go together?
This is how: we’re going to dig deep. We’re going to uncover parts and truths about you that were hidden in dark corners or crammed away behind shut doors.
Those doors don’t always open easily and what’s coming out isn’t always pretty or comfortable. But it’s you. It’s all the parts that so far were missing.
It’s a lot more YOU than you have probably ever been aware of, felt, owned. And that’s why it’s fun. Superior fun, actually: because no matter what it looks like, how crumbled, torn, dusty or ragged it might be (and don’t get me wrong – it very often won’t even be like that), it’s you. YOU.
Beyond facades. Beyond empty shells, beyond shallow patterns, beyond constrictions and false beliefs that tried to tell you who you should be. It’s the real you. And it will grow. The more unknown parts of you we dig up and integrate, the fuller, brighter and more radiant your YOU will become. And it ain’t going nowhere. Once it’s out and you start owning it, it’s not going to fade again. And it can only taken away from you again with your consent. If you trade it in for something that you consider more valuable than being yourself. There’s not going to be many circumstances where this is even an option.

It is about changing your life and the parts it consists of, until they match who you really are.

When you’re in a coaching session with me, it’s always about you: becoming aware of how things are interrelated in your inner and outer worlds. About illuminating formerly unknown corners inside of you. About unfolding and stepping into your light.

Gaining a clarity that can’t be undone.

How I work

Working with me is always about feeling into yourself, about sensing what lies beneath the surface, going into the depth – about bringing light into darkness. YOUR light!

I will be asking questions. A lot of questions. I’m a curious person, but the questions I will ask are mainly meant for you and they’re only partly meant to be answered. In most part, they act as a pathway to lead you to where you need to take a closer look, to uncover corners that you weren’t aware of before, to let you see truths about yourself that you had no idea about. To discover your true you.

Does this mean, you can reach any possible goal? No. Not everything is possible for everybody at any given time. Not all your longings and dreams will be possibly brought into reality. Why? Well, not everyone will be able to become world champion in ice-skating in the remaining time of this life.

Working with me also means, that there’s no quick-fixes. No 10-step-list to check-off and everything’s fine again. Approaches like that do exist and they will get you somewhere.
But it’s not a way that I’ve found working in a profound and deep way over time and ensure sustained transformations. And that’s why I don’t offer them.

Because the way I work is entirely centered around you and what you need, there’s no set process, no pre-configured plans or pathways I follow with every client.
I always adjust my approach to what you need and where you’re currently at, gauging it at every turn we take together, so as to enable the very best results possible for you.

The way I work can be put into short as: CLARITY. HEART. DEPTH. NO BULLSHIT.

I’m working systemically, emotion-based and goal-oriented.
Diving deep in order to find solutions that are more than a quick fix.

Having a goal is a main differentiator to therapy: it defines where you’re heading. Or what you want to leave behind.
To find the path that best fits your needs and structure is my goal.
And sometimes, finding your goal can be part of the coaching process itself already.

The foundation of my work as coach is the systemic approach. It also incorporates the client-centered approach of Carl Rogers, NLP elements and methods and techniques of other schools and teachers like Saafi Nidiaye, Eckhart Tolle, Steve de Shazer, The Work of Byron Katie as well as family constellations and more.

Our sessions can be scheduled as often as daily, over a limited period of time, for example when you feel like you need a lot of support and/or you’re ready to make things change very quickly and at a profound level.
Most often my clients choose to see me once every one or two weeks in the beginning over a period of several weeks or months and then change into a lower frequency after things in their lives already started changing in the direction they want them to in order to secure they’re staying on track and don’t fall back into old patterns

Do you truly have enough of how things are in this specific area of your life? Or maybe of where your entire life is heading?
Have you tried a lot already and nothing seemed to work? None of your friends and family were able to provide you with what you need to bring about the changes you want?
Do you feel like you’re running in circles? Or only hitting walls without being able to find the door?

Are you at the point where you say: ok – I’ll do anything in order to get where I want to or to bring upon the changes that I need?
Then we are a good match!

What are some requirements that will ensure that working with me will bring the changes you’re seeking?

  • You’re willing to dig deep in order to get far
  • You’re not only looking for comfort and to hear that everything “will be alright”, sooner or later, all by itself
  • You’re ready and willing to stick with it even when the results don’t magically appear after the first session
  • You’re open to discover a new universe inside of you and an entire new world of possibilities around you.
  • You realize that the process you need to go through in order to reach your goals might require yo to look at some uncomfortable truths
  • You’re ready to become who you truly are, even if that means not making everybody happy
  • You’re ready to start your journey into the unknown. Ready to leave preset paths and to start living from a much less defined and limited space.

Or to put it bluntly: if you wanna keep trying to thrust your head through the wall (it’s a German proverb, but maybe it makes sense in English as well) because things need to be the way you’re used to think they are, I might not be the right coach for you.
But if you find out what’s on the other side of the wall without loosing your sanity, and moreover, if it even is what you want – we might be a good fit!

I am always aiming at getting you in touch with your core essence so deeply, that you start radiating again – from without and within.

Common topics of my coaching clients

What are typical issues and problems my clients consult me with? Does your problem even fit within the range I work in?
Here are some of the examples my clients want to work on and are seeking to change and grow into

Who am I? Beyond outside appearances. Beyond the roles that I play and the beliefs that I inherited from family, culture, society. What is my truth?
Discovering everything that’s not you, how it got there and what purpose it has in your life, provides you the freedom to choose what standpoint to live from in the future.
Allowing you to step out of default behavior and to express yourself from your authentic YOU.
Believe me – you have just no idea, HOW MUCH you are, beneath the layers of roles and patterns and trauma response mechanisms.
Your juiciness and your clarity want to be lived!

How deep do you feel? What are your habitual ways of making sure, you’re not falling apart when being faced with extreme circumstances? Not feeling your emotions lets you function perfectly in our environments. The ability to mentalize and rationalize everything is highly respected in our societies. It gives us some sense of safety to be able to explain and understand everything and keep things “clean”. But there’s a downside: it estranges you from who you really are, deep inside. We’re not machines. And only our minds believe that being logical and rational is proof of our high development. In truth it’s only proof how far we have grown apart from our true inner core. Feeling your emotions is the path back to being YOU.

Who told you how to be? Who taught you how to behave, what to do, how to feel in any given situation?
Kinda strange to ask that question, right?
Why do I smile friendly when I meet a person I don’t like? Why does my friend leave the room politely instead of yelling when he feels angry?

Whose rules do you follow? And why??

Don’t get me wrong: there’s nothing inherently wrong with following somebody else’s rules, as long as it’s done in full awareness. The thing is, most of the time it’s not.
Most of our behavior, I would guess up to 98% of it, we acquired because at some point in our life, we learned how we earn praise, attention, validation – in short: good feelings. And with what behavior we could expect to be punished, rejected, ignored and devalued.
None of that was our conscious choice. We simply followed what promised the most comfortable and pleasant way of living.

Are you sure, that’s how you want to keep on living for the rest of your – how many? – years??
And did you ever question yourself, whether it’s really serving YOU? or is it rather serving others because it makes you very predictable, easy to steer and to dominate?
Is that what you want?
Is that what you’re here for? REALLY?!?

What are your wantings? What do you desire?
Enough money to live a carefree life? A relationship with a partner you love? or a job you really like?
Is that all?

No really, what are your true wantings? Those that make you burn inside. That make you feel alive, that have a drive that keeps you going, that feel satisfying even before being delivered.

Do you allow yourself to want that? To feel the passion that it ignites inside of you?
What happens when your desires become really loud? Do you try to control them? Do you rationalize over them? Or do you let them take you into dreamland and get lost there?

Are desires a threat to you? Or a path into disappointment and desolation?

Here’s what wantings and desires really are: a path to get back in touch with you on a deep level. To feel yourself. Your aliveness. Your passion. To experience yourself outside of the box of your mind. Beyond what’s reasonable and safe. Your desires are part of who you are, whether you feel them or not. They’re part of your TRUTH.
It’s about time to uncover them, don’t you think?
They will blow your mind, I promise!

Feeling stuck. Nothing works. No matter what you try, no matter how often you get up again, no change. Sometimes it feels like the whole world, maybe even the universe is against you. Other times it’s just one specific person or group of people who seem to be the cause of you not getting anywhere. Feeling stuck leaves us in a state of feeling helpless and powerless. And however impossible it may seem: there is a way out! The opposite state of stuckness is a state of flow. That’s where we’ll be heading, if you decide to end the dead-end street you’re in and let me help you to find your way out.
If we ever were to see, just HOW MUCH fear and anxiety are influencing our behavior, the choices we make (and even more those we don’t make), how we communicate – we wouldn’t be able to believe our eyes! And even though it’s impossible to get rid of all fears for good, there are ways to release the iron grip they sometimes get on us. This won’t always be a path of roses, just like living in constant states of fear and anxiety is a living hell. But what it will offer you, is your life back. And your freedom of choice – like a true liberation into choosing out of feeling what you really want and what is in alignment with your true core, instead of feeling crippled by the threat that fear is constantly pushing into your face and leaves you feeling powerless and trapped.
How do you make decisions? Long lists of pro’s and con’s? Never sure whether your making the right decision? Do you wish there was a way to be sure that you made the right decision? Well, there is. And it’s not rocket science. The path to it will offer you a lot more than just making better decisions. It will get you in touch with yourself. It will connect you with your intuition and with your TRUTH. Doesn’t sound like fun? Well, it is! Quite juicy, in fact.
Are you happy with the way you earn your living? Does it fulfill you? Does it feel good to be doing it? Or do you feel how somewhere, inside, you long to feel different about your work, your job, your profession? Maybe you have a sense that this is not what you want to do every day for the rest of your career, but at the same time you have no idea what you would wanna do. What would make you love your job. Very often clients come to me, telling me that what they’re doing they no longer want to do, yet they have no clue what they would feel better about, what it would be that they would want as a job. Let’s find out together, what it is, that will make YOUR heart sing!

Do you get what you want? Do people listen, when you tell them your limits? Or do you feel like you’re constantly giving more than you want to, even if you have tried to communicate how far you want to go?
Are you a people pleaser? Do you prefer to keep harmony over speaking your truth?
Do you often feel trampled upon? Run over? Disrespected? Insignificant? Undervalued? Unseen and unheard?

How do you feel when you tell others your boundaries? Does it frighten you? Did you never learn how? Or were you not allowed to have boundaries in the first place?

Clearly expressed boundaries are one of the main ingredients when it comes to be respected, seen, heard and taken seriously.
And it’s much easier to learn how to feel them and communicate them thank you think!
Let’s start and step out of the shadow and into your light. After all – you’re here to shine!

...and that's what you get when working with me:


Kathrin G.

If you currently feel like you’re stuck or going in circles or don’t see the forrest for the trees, I full heartedly recomment a clarity call with Julia.
With her, you can dive deep quickly and intuitively find concrete possibilities for your current situation, stepping out of your thought-loops and viewing your situation from a different perspective. This let’s you evaluate things differently and discover completely new exits.

Julia’s special gift is how spot-on her words are, re-calibrating your entire system in no time, getting you ready for the next steps in no time.
Thank you for you, dear Julia and for this wonderful experience! ❤️

Johanna Oehler

Julia simply is enchanting.

She feels warm and familiar and she’s got a very high level of empathy together with a deep tactfulness.
With her, one feels seen and safe from the first moment on.
Through the different techniques and changes of perspective she’ll guide you to the depths of the challenge.

From the bottom of my heart: thank you!

Sabine Marcus

Sabine, if someone were to ask you how is it to be in a coaching with Julia – what would you say?

Very clear, empathic, goal oriented, appreciative and with a long term effect.
I feel seen and understood.
It brings lightness.

I’ve gained insights and revelations that show me the structure behind my limiting behavior.
I now better understand my avoidance mechanisms and can reveal them.
I feel more confident and plan to integrate these parts of me more.
I will observe if or how these issues will keep on showing up and how my dealing with them changes.

Astrid Ryzek

The coaching with Julia brought a lot of joy and a number of lightbulb-moments for me.
She’s very adaptive to the given situation – nothing is stiff or by numbers. I like that!
Towards the end of the session we switched from mind to emotions and with that, a whole different quality of Julia got revealed: her highly sensitive art of perception.
This was truly remarkable and spun of a whole lot more for me in the aftermath.

I can fully recommend Julia to everyone who’s in search for clarity and for whom Julia’s spiritual approach isn’t a hindrance – because it’s an enrichment.

I’m grateful!

Let's get together: how to work with me

We kick-off with a free discovery call: you tell me where you’re currently stuck and I get a first overview of the issues involved, things you already tried to resolve the problem and why they didn’t work. We’ll take a close look at what you want to reach and which goals are most important for you during the coaching.
You’ll get an impression of how working with me feels and I will give you details of which approach I will take and why.
At the end I will give you a first roadmap of how to proceed and we’ll discuss different options of how I can support you to reach your objectives.

Free Discovery Call

30 minute video call

Let’s find out how I can help you!

Book your complimentary first appointment and get to know me.

We will dive into where exactly you’re stuck, what it is that you need to get out and
which of my offers suits your situation best.


For all new clients, I offer a 30 minute complimentary discovery call. We can do it via phone or video. This gives you the opportunity to get to know me without any obligation. You can tell me what topic or problem you seek support for and I will give you some insight into what approach I’m suggesting. You can ask me all the questions you have around coaching. After all, you want to be sure to feel well taken care of with the coach you choose.

The minimum duration of each session is 60 minutes, but it can be extended if you need more time.
Whenever you work with me, you have the choice to book and pay for Single Sessions. This way you stay totally independent and have all the freedom to decide whether you want to come back for more and when – or whether you don’t.
Single Session coachings will be charged in increments of 15 minutes for the time that exceeds the minimum duration of one hour.

Alternatively, I offer different coaching packages. They all include a certain amount of live coaching minutes as well as unlimited in-between messages and quick written feedback or suggestions. The coaching-minutes in each package can be used for a flexible number of coaching sessions within a certain time frame or time of validity.
All packages include a discount compared to the Single Sessions.
I will only sell each type of package to a limited number of clients in order to ensure that you get enough time slots available to book for your sessions.

There’s no obligations to book a minimum amount of sessions or to come in a certain frequency. Although I did collect extensive experience over the years of what usually works well for a majority of clients. In general, it takes 3-5 sessions to really kick-off the change my clients are seeking and 5-10 sessions to get ahead in their profound and lasting transformation process. If you’re unsure, let me know and we’ll see what I suggest for you individually.
I offer safe online payments via PayPal and credit card, processed by Stripe.

You have more questions?
Why don’t you book yourself a free discovery-call or send me an email at: info@juliawinter.eu

Can't wait to meet you!